Today, I want to talk about something called “Hurst” or “Schultz.” Honestly, I didn’t know much about these two methods before, but I got curious and decided to give them a try. It sounded a bit fancy, so I was eager to see what all the fuss was about.

Getting Started
First, I gathered some data. I just grabbed a bunch of numbers that looked random enough. Nothing special, just wanted to have something to work with. Then, I started looking into what the Hurst exponent actually is. It’s like a measure of how “persistent” or “mean-reverting” a time series is. Like, does it tend to keep going in the same direction, or does it like to flip back to some average?
Diving into Hurst
So, the Hurst exponent. A value around 0.5 means the data is pretty much random. Above 0.5 means it’s got some trend, and below 0.5 means it likes to bounce back. I found a few ways to calculate this thing, and one of them is called “Rescaled Range Analysis,” or R/S for short. I decided to give it a go.
I followed some basic steps I found online. Basically, you break your data into smaller chunks, calculate the range within each chunk (the highest value minus the lowest), and then you figure out the standard deviation of each chunk, too. Then you divide the range by the standard deviation, hence the “rescaled” part. You do this for different chunk sizes and then plot the results on a log-log graph. The slope of that graph is supposed to be your Hurst exponent. Sounds simple, right? Well, it kinda is, but it took me a few tries to get it right.
Trying Schultz’s Method
Then, I stumbled upon another method called “Schultz.” It seemed a bit different. It looks at the variance of the data at different time scales. If the variance changes in a certain way as you increase the time scale, you can get a handle on the long-term memory of the data, which is related to the Hurst exponent, but not quite the same thing. I’m not sure I fully grasp it, but it looks interesting.
Schultz’s method involves calculating the variance of the data at different time lags and then plotting that on a log-log graph, too. The slope of that line should give you some information about the long-range dependence. I tried it out with my data, and I got some results, but I’m not 100% sure I interpreted them correctly. It’s like, if the slope is steeper, it means more long-range dependence? I think? Maybe I need to read up on it some more.
My Results
Hurst: When I did the R/S analysis, I got a Hurst exponent around 0.6 for my data. That suggests there might be some persistence, like the data kinda remembers where it’s been.
Schultz: With Schultz’s method, I got a slope that seemed to indicate some long-range dependence as well. But like I said, I’m still trying to wrap my head around exactly what it means. I will keep working on this until I can figure it out.
Wrapping Up
Overall, this was a fun little experiment. I learned a bit about Hurst and Schultz, and how they can be used to analyze time series data. I still have a lot to learn, but it was cool to see how these methods work in practice. I’m definitely going to keep playing around with this stuff and see what else I can discover. Maybe I’ll even find some real-world data to try it on. Who knows? It is really interesting, and I think I will get the hang of it soon.