Today, I wanna talk about something that might be a bit niche, but it’s been a game-changer for me – the claw golf glove. Yeah, you heard that right, a claw golf glove. I’ve been playing golf on and off for a few years, and I always struggled with my grip. It just never felt quite right, you know? Either I was gripping it too tight, or it was slipping, and my shots were all over the place. I tried a bunch of different gloves, different grips, watched countless videos, but nothing seemed to stick.

Then, a buddy of mine at the driving range mentioned this “claw” thing. At first, I thought he was pulling my leg. A claw? What, am I gonna morph into Wolverine on the golf course? But he was serious. He showed me his glove, and it looked… weird. It had these extra bits of material on the fingers, kind of like, well, claws.
So, curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to give it a shot. I looked it up online and ordered one – they’re not exactly easy to find in your average sports store. When it arrived, I put it on, and honestly, it felt strange at first. The extra padding on the fingers felt bulky, and I wasn’t sure how it was supposed to help.
First try out
But I took it to the range, and that’s where things started to click. I started with some easy swings, just to get a feel for it. I noticed the glove really helped me keep a consistent grip. See, I could lock the club handle into my palm and fingers, and the “claws” kind of helped keep it there. No more death grip, no more slipping.
- Experimented with different swing speeds.
- Noticed a more natural feel as I got used to it.
- Focused on maintaining the grip throughout the swing.
The next few weeks, I kept at it. I played a few rounds, hit hundreds of balls at the range. And let me tell you, my game started to improve. My shots were more consistent, I was hitting the ball further, and my scores started to drop. It wasn’t just the glove, of course, but it played a huge part in fixing my grip issues.
It’s not perfect, mind you. It still takes some getting used to. And I’m not saying it’s gonna turn you into a pro overnight. But if you’re like me, and you’ve been struggling with your grip, it’s definitely worth checking out. It might just be the weird, claw-shaped solution you’ve been looking for. It’s helped me enjoy the game a lot more, and that’s what really matters, right?