So, today I wanted to mess around with some golf stuff, specifically about this Rob McNamara guy.

First off, I started by watching a bunch of videos online. One that really helped was by this guy named James, had some solid swing tips.
Main thing I got from it was to keep the swing easy and smooth. No need to kill the ball, just nice and easy does it.
After that, I tried out a tip I found somewhere. It said something about keeping your hands low during the swing. Apparently, it helps create something called “lag” and lets you hit the ball cleaner. I tried it out, and I think it kinda worked, it is too early to tell, but I feel better.
- Watched some videos for swing tips.
- Tried keeping my hands low in the swing.
- Worked on keeping the swing smooth.
Things I tried:
Then, I read something about McNamara talking about this 9-box grid technique. He said someone famous used it to practice long shots and tees. It is a nice tip, I’ll try it out next time. Sounds complicated, but I guess it helps with accuracy or something.
Also came across this TikTok video from a guy named robcheneygolf. He was going on about something called “The Bowler Drill.” Said it can fix a bunch of swing problems, like early extension and some other stuff I didn’t quite catch. I gave that a shot too, not sure if I did it right, but hey, it was fun trying.
All in all, it was a pretty productive day messing around with these golf tips. Definitely feel like I learned a few things, and my swing might be a little bit better. We’ll see next time I’m on the course. Maybe, I will become a golf master, who knows.